I thought I would post some book lists so that you can go ahead and get the books you need for the units you are interested in (Especially for you library-goers, those waiting lists can be killer!)
Books for Little House in the Big Woods:
Sugaring Season: Making Maple Syrup (Photo Books)
for Chapter 8
Chickens on a Farm by Abbie Mercer
Pigs on a Farm by Abbier Mercer
Farm Animals. Pigs. by Cicilia Minden
for Chapter 9
for Chapter 10
for Chapter 11
Books Needed for the Science
Paper Ocean (Make Your Own)
, also:
Books Needed for the Garden Unit Study:
(I may still add to this one)
for art, language arts, math, etc.
For science:
The Books for the Rainbow Unit Study:
(I haven't decided on my LA book for this unit yet, so I will definitely be adding more to this one as I progress)
For the last 3 books I am only using a few pages of each book. There is a lot more about rainbows out there then I had imagined!
for math, and I am considering whether or not the following book would be age (and topic) appropriate for social studies and haven't really decided yet.
WOW you got a lot planned for each unit. Looks great and fun. We did gardens last year with the kids and they loved it. I even found a dissection site on flowers on the web. Stopping by from sat work boxes:)