1. Math - Singapore Math 3B
2. Language Arts - Learning Language Arts Through Literature (Yellow Book), Little House in the Big Woods, Handwriting Without Tears
3. Geography - Wee Sing Around the World, Daily Geography Practice, Jason's Miracle, A Hannukah Story
4. Science - Exploring Creation With Zoology 2, Make it Work! Oceans, Life in the Oceans
We also did a couple of experiments today, that wouldn't fit in the box. They will be posted on
my science blog tomorrow!
5. Electives - Today's choices are Bible (Willing to Wait) and Art (we will make a cereal box mosaic, which you will see the instructions for on my art blog this week...)
Up next is Alex's boxes! Alex is 3 1/2 and does preschool work.
1. Math - Number recognition, patterns, and measuring.
The measuring activity came from Walking By the Way
The number recognition and patterns worksheets came from Confession of A Homeschooler
2. Language Arts - Alex is working on the letter "J" today, and also he is beginning to use Hooked on Phonics. We are reading the book Jack Frost to continue a study we are doing on snow.
3. Alex does geography with Bella, and there is also a shapes worksheet in this box today.
4. Science - God's World
Alex is also very interested in the experiments I do with Bella, even if he isn't quite old enough to understand them all yet.
So, there are our boxes for this week! What are in your boxes? Feel free to add a link to your page to the side bar on the right or to the comments and share!